Unlike any other CA system in the market, Digi-CA™ is specifically designed to easily migrate any other existing PKI system. By design Digi-CA™ [1], as a entirely self dependent system, allows its easy migration from one data centre to another in an almost seamless manner. The transfer can be accomplished either physically through hardware transportation or by secure software and data migration whereby all software and database data is securely migrated in an encrypted format from one location to another.
The key features necessary for running your existing framework PKI infrastructure are already embedded in the Digi-CA™ System as standard. It additionally offers a much wider scale of possibilities in using PKI throughout your entire organisation. Where Traditional CA [2]s offer most modules as add-ons (and at additional cost), Digi-CA™ offers these 'as standard' and provides alternative key generation, certificate enrolment and certificate installation features, with policy based controls, in compliance with most current commercial and open standards. Digi-CA™ also supports a large variety of third party software and cryptographic hardware devices such as smart cards, USB tokens and Hardware Security Modules [HSMs].
In conjunction with your existing on line applications and PKI infrastructure, features provided by Digi-CA™ can introduce and add enhanced support and security to inbound and outbound email exchange communications through the use of S/MIME. Also, web server and web client strong and multi factor authentication using Public Key Certificates and SSL/TLS communication protocols, signing of application code, authentication of network routers, firewalls and Virtual Private Network [VPN] devices and many other business-to-client and business-to-business PKI aware solutions too.
To migrate your system, the Digi-CAST™ [4] methodology, you will experience a smooth transition process from your current PKI framework. The Digi-CAST™ Team consists of highly qualified, expert IT engineers responsible for providing analysis, planning and implementation services to meet the your requirements and allows you to completely 'off load' all activities in these areas. The Digi-CAST™ method will provide for a detailed migration plan that outlines all phases of the migration process and provides estimated delivery schedules for each phase of the project, leaving no space for omissions or lengthy implementation delays by providing best Digi-CAST™ guaranteed quality of service.
[1] http://www2.digi-sign.com/digi-ca
[2] http://www2.digi-sign.com/certificate+authority/traditional+ca
[3] http://www2.digi-sign.com/digi-ca/transition
[4] http://www2.digi-sign.com/service/digi-cast