Digi-Sign announces the formal agreement with BidSync [1], as signed on 3 January and amended 5 March 2009, for the provision of the Digi-Seal™ digital signature signing system and Digi-ID™ digital signatures.
BidSync provides online bidding systems to the State of Utah, Princeton University, Hamilton County, State of California, Miami Beach, Santa Clara and many others.
As a member of the ARP Network [2], the BidSync online bidding system integrates the use of the Digi-Seal™ [3] digital signing system and Digi-ID™ [4] digital signatures.
Using this fully integrated solution, organisations wishing to bid for contracts with the State of Utah [1] must submit their bids using the BidSync online tendering system and digitally sign all the forms and files they submit using the Digi-Seal™ digital signing system.
Digi-Seal™ was originally selected by BidSync for the State of Utah, after extensive market research for a simple to implement, stable and reliable digital signature signing solution. It is now being rolled out across the other bidding systems in the BidSync group as demand rises for this highly innovative and powerful system for authenticating and validating digital documentation online.
[1] http://www2.digi-sign.com/http
[2] http://www2.digi-sign.com/arp
[3] http://www2.digi-sign.com/en/digi-seal
[4] http://www2.digi-sign.com/digi-id