E Signature Holds Up In Court
An e signature, or electronic signature, is the best way to do business online. Business is no longer conducted across the desk from your customers, it is conducted around the world. This makes it necessary to gain legal signatures over the internet. Consistently, these signatures have held up in courts of law, just as fax signatures did before the internet was widely available.
E Signature and Other Tools for Doing Business Online
Whether you need an intraoffice method of collecting an e signature, an interoffice method or a global method for across the web, Digi-Sign has the authentication and digital signatures you need. Digi-Sign can also offer you an entirely new level of security with their Digi-Access packages. For all of your online authentication and security needs, visit Digi-Sign website. Learn how your password protected systems can be more secure to protect your company, organization or government facilities.