If you run any type of online business where you will be collecting personal information from your customers such as their names and addresses or even more importantly their credit card or banking information, you must take the appropriate steps to protect it. One of the most common and successful methods of doing this is by using a digital certificate issued by a Certificate Authority such as Digi-Sign.
Buying or selling a home can be a very complex process and typically involves a large number of documents that must be signed by all of the parties involved in the sale. Traditionally each of these documents was required to be signed in person in order for them to be considered a legally binding contract. Today the electronic signature has made it possible for the documents to be signed digitally and transmitted via email to each party for their signatures to be added.
When you run an online retail business, your customers are going to be using their credit cards and debit cards to pay for their purchases. They will also be entering all of their personal information in order for you to ship whatever they have ordered to their home. If you are not using a digital signature to protect their personal information, it could end up being compromised.
When you use the web to send confidential information such a financial reports or even plans for a new product across the Internet, you cannot afford for anyone but the intended recipient to be able access the information. While there are many ways to encrypt your files, the best way by far is to use digital signature software that requires certain very specific parameters be met before the file can be read.
The number of MMORPG games online has grown phenomenally over the past decade with millions of players who have invested countless hours in creating their characters and developing them to the highest levels. To the outsider this may not seem like much, but to the gamer this is very important and as such so is the security of their account. Many gaming companies have switched to using single sign on authentication to help protect these accounts.
The Prosis [7] helps enterprises manage the complex technical requirements of large-scale networks and internet infrastructure, enabling rapid delivery of high value products and services and safe exchange of valuable data over the Internet. Our consulting services include architecture, design, implementation, monitoring, and security management solutions.
When you are looking for an extra level of security for your organizations online processes, you will find that Public Key Infrastructure can provide you with exactly what you are looking for. This system is typically issued by a Certificate Authority such as Digi-Sign and consists of two parts, the first is the public key and the second is the user's digital signature. Both parts of the puzzle must match in order for anyone to gain access to the secured information.
SSL security has been found to offer superior protection when compared to SSH protocol because SSL protocols make use of an X 509 Certificate which is better known as an SSL Certificate. The SSH protocol uses keys instead and as such are more susceptible to being compromised. The SSL package does make use of a key but at the same time requires further information about the owner of the certificate to ensure complete protection.
Data security has become one of the biggest concerns in the modern business world as they have become so dependent on computer data storage systems. Nothing has become as important as being able to secure their network and the 2 FA or 2 Factor Authentication system is becoming one of the most popular methods of securing data storage systems to ensure that only those who can meet all the necessary requirements can access the restricted areas.
The Fortux [12] innovative online services provides a more cost-effective alternative to traditional packaged applications. This helps enterprises achieve their business objectives in shorter time and be ahead of the competition. Focused on the business solutions, Fortux specialises in delivering online services that are easier to deploy, more intuitive and provide greater data security than most client-installed applications.
[1] http://www2.digi-sign.com/node/3763
[2] http://www2.digi-sign.com/node/3761
[3] http://www2.digi-sign.com/node/3760
[4] http://www2.digi-sign.com/node/3750
[5] http://www2.digi-sign.com/node/3749
[6] http://www2.digi-sign.com/arp/announcements/prosis
[7] http://www.prosis-mea.com/
[8] http://www2.digi-sign.com/node/3748
[9] http://www2.digi-sign.com/node/3744
[10] http://www2.digi-sign.com/node/3745
[11] http://www2.digi-sign.com/arp/announcements/fortux
[12] http://www.fortux.com/
[13] http://www2.digi-sign.com/blog
[14] http://www2.digi-sign.com/blog?page=44
[15] http://www2.digi-sign.com/blog?page=41
[16] http://www2.digi-sign.com/blog?page=42
[17] http://www2.digi-sign.com/blog?page=43
[18] http://www2.digi-sign.com/blog?page=46
[19] http://www2.digi-sign.com/blog?page=47
[20] http://www2.digi-sign.com/blog?page=48
[21] http://www2.digi-sign.com/blog?page=49
[22] http://www2.digi-sign.com/blog?page=54