[1] As described in the Proposal Document (‘the Proposal’) and in consideration of the payment of the fees in accordance with the Proposal (the "Charges") by the Subscriber ("You") of the Charges set out in clause 2, Digi-Sign, The Certificate Corporation ("We" or "Us") agrees to provide the Digi-CA™ [2] system to You (the "Services" or the "System") in accordance with the terms and conditions set out below. The Charges are in Euro.
[1] In consideration of the Services, You shall pay the Charges to Us in accordance with the Proposal. The Charges are set out exclusive of taxes and expenses. At the start of the Project, the Project Deposit Fee as set out in the Proposal will be billed by us and must be paid for by electronic bank transfer in full by You within fourteen (14) days of the date of our invoice. Subsequent Project Opening Fees and Project Interim Fees may also be required as indicated in the Proposal and shall be paid by electronic bank transfer on the date specified in the invoice. When the Project Completion Form is received and in accordance with the Proposal, the Project Closing Fee and the first Annual License Fee, as set out in the Proposal will be invoiced and shall be paid by electronic bank transfer on the date specified in the invoice. All subsequent Annual License Fees and any additional Fees will be invoiced in advance and shall be paid by electronic bank transfer on the date specified on the invoice.
In the event of late payment of any of the Charges, interest shall be charged at the rate of interest referred to in the European Communities (Late Payment in Commercial Transactions) Regulations 2002, from the date of invoice until the date of actual payment, such interest to accrue daily and both before and after judgement.
All Charges referred to in this Agreement are exclusive and net of any taxes, duties or such other additional sums which shall be paid by You including, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, VAT (if applicable), excise tax, tax on sales, property or use, import or other duties levied in respect of this Agreement.
You shall reimburse us for any vouched expenses which we may reasonably incur in relation to the provision of the Services. On travel distances exceeding 2.5 hours, our senior Directors will travel business class and all hotel accommodation should b three star rated accommodation or higher.
[1] https://www.digi-sign.com/downloads/download.php?id=digi-ca-pdf
[2] http://www2.digi-sign.com/en/digi-ca
[3] http://www.digi-sign.com/sla