[1] Digi-CA™ Server Xs is Managed CA [2] for installation on a single server and comes complete with all the different sub-systems designed to run and operate efficiently on that single machine.
As a software product, Digi-CA™ Server Xs only generates client certificates [3] [Digi-IDs™] that can be used for email, two-factor authentication, secure web access, as electronic signatures, for use within a Virtual Private Networks [VPN] or for device-to-device authentication. Like all professional CA systems it allows the Administrator to set up policies and to manage all of the Digi-ID™ [4] life cycle services.
Even with all of the powerful functionality and capabilities that Digi-CA™ Server Xs offers, it is easy to install, configure and operate. A competent Network Engineer or qualified IT Technician could install a fully functional version of Digi-CA™ Server Xs and be fully competent in its operation a few days.
Digi-CA™ Server Xs can only be installed on a single server and is typically used where high availability is not a key component of the environment. As a single server installation, there is no mirroring, load balancing, fail over or synchronizing of data. All records and data are protected by periodic backups only. Typical installations would be small to medium environments where high system availability is not an issue.
Digi-CA™ Server Xp is Managed CA for installation on two servers and offers the same services as Digi-CA™ Server Xs but on a larger scale and with many additional services including Certificate deployment and renewal automation. The primary reason for selecting Xp instead of Xs is because Digi-CA™ Server Xp offers fail-over functionality.
Digi-CA™ Server Xp can also be configured to generate Secure Socket Layer [5] [Digi-SSL™ [6]] web server Certificates, Software & Code Signing Certificates [Digi-CAST™ methodology [7]] in addition to the Digi-ID™ Xp Certificates.
Most Digi-CA™ Server Xp installations are carried out by the Digi-CAST2™ Installations Team. This installation may require the Digi-CAST2™ Team to physically conduct the installation on site, however, if a competent Network Engineer can provide a reliable connection to the correctly configured servers, then it may be possible to conduct the installation over the internet, without incurring travel and accommodation costs. The fully functional version of Digi-CA™ Server Xp can be completed in three to five days on average.
Digi-CA™ Server Xp is installed on two servers and is typically used where high availability is a component of the environment. As a dual server installation, there is mirroring and synchronising of data. All records and data are protected by this fail-over service. The Digi-CA™ Server Xp is split over two servers and gives the option to include a firewall and load balancing device in between. Typical installations would be large enterprise or government environments.
[1] https://www.digi-sign.com/order/digi-ca-admin/accept.php
[2] http://www2.digi-sign.com/digi-ca/software+ca
[3] http://www2.digi-sign.com/digital+certificate
[4] http://www2.digi-sign.com/digi-id
[5] http://www2.digi-sign.com/ssl+certificate
[6] http://www2.digi-sign.com/digi-ssl
[7] http://www2.digi-sign.com/digi-cast