
Digi-CA™ Administrator's Online Manual

PDF As can be seen from the extensive documentation relating to the Key Ceremony, at the heart of every Digi-CA™ is at least one Root CA. Every Digi-CA™ Certificate is made from a Public and a Private Key.

PDF The Digi-CA™ PKI System supports a variety of Unix and Linux operating systems.

These are the minimum suitable conditions for the correct operation of the multiple server Digi-CA™ Server Xg:

        • Two dry areas with good ventilation or air-conditioning
        • Two secure rooms or computer cabinets with restricted, controlled and logged access
        • Multiple broadband and/or leased line internet access
        • Power supply with optional backup power supply

PDF The Digi-CA™ Server Xg is completely customizable and can be installed across many servers, even if they are in different locations. As stated, Digi-CA™ Server Xg customisation, configuration and testing is conducted off site after detailed requirements are documented and agreed with the customer.

PDF Digi-CA™ Server Xp is Managed CA for installation on two or more servers and comes complete with all the different sub-systems designed to run and operate efficiently on these machines.

PDF These are the minimum suitable conditions for the correct operation of the single server Digi-CA™ Server Xs:

            • Dry area with good ventilation or air-conditioning if possible
            • Secure room or computer cabinet with restricted, controlled and logged access

PDF The type of Digi-CA™ Server you choose for your environment will dictate what information you need to install it and if you will need assistance from the Digi-CAST2™ Installations Team.

PDF The user will browse to a fully customized Digi-ID™ Application Form Enrolment page. They will complete the details in the web form and click the ‘submit’ button.

Digi-CA™ Registration Authority [RA] Access Point Interface [API]