Trusting electronic documents is important when there is an electronic signature attached. How do you know that the signature is authentic and has not been falsified? The way to tell is by what type of signature is attached. If it is a digital signature, then it was encrypted and sent securely. If it was just a signature the sender typed into the document, then you have no real way to tell its authenticity.
Make a List of Employees Who Require an Encrypted Electronic Signature
The United Kingdom has a unique setup when it comes to their internet and online configurations. Users outside of the country are limited in what types of information they can access. In order to have full access, users have to be connecting to resources, from a connection within the UK. One way around this requirement is to use a UK VPN, which is a virtual private network that simulates the connection is being within the country, even when the user is abroad.
Different Types of Businesses Which Will Need a UK VPN Connection
There are different methods used to set up single sign on authentication. One method is where you allow the computer to store the user’s name and password, after it is initially authenticated at first log in. From that point on, anytime the user initiates a resource which requires authentication, the computer automatically performs the request in the background, without requiring the user for any further input.
Grouping Is another Method Used with Single Sign on Authentication
In order to fully unlock certain websites within the United Kingdom, you will need to use a UK VPN. Without this type of virtual private network connection, the website will detect that your computer is not situated within the UK and will remain blocked. However, using this specific type of VPN solution makes it appear to the website as though your computer is within the UK and unblocks any restricted content.
UK VPN Connections Can Be Made Secure by Using Strong Authentication Methods
You may be aware of the benefits of implementing an E signature program at your organization. You are able to cut down on paper and office supply usage. You also can reduce the amount of time needed to secure signatures on various documents. These are great benefits for any size business. However, not everyone is aware that this type of electronic signature may not be secure or be able to be used to authenticate the signer.
Create a Secure E Signature Program by Using Encryption
Using a digital signature can speed up the time it takes to get approvals. Rather than having to push paper forms from one person to the next, the entire process can be automated. As one person applies their electronic signature to the document, it can be emailed to the next person on the approval list. You also eliminate worrying about a document getting buried on someone’s desk and sitting there for weeks before it is discovered.
A Varity of Systems and File Types Will Work with a Digital Signature
Depending on where your business is located, will determine what people call a digital signature. In European countries, this type of signature is referred to as an EU qualified signature, or simply shortened to EU qualified. The main thing to remember is that, regardless of the name used, they are the same thing. The primary difference is an EU qualified signature is recognized by the EU as a trusted source issued by an approved certificate authority.
Reduce Paper Based Processes by Using a Digital Signature
You can speed up signature processes by using an E signature. However, you will want to make sure that the signature is made secure by encrypting it within a digital certificate. Without the proper encryption, anyone can sign documents and forms electronically. However, with the digital certificate, only the signer has the ability to apply their signature and encrypt it for security reasons.
How Do Others Perform Authentication on My E Signature?
A root certificate is the part of a digital certificate which is responsible for performing authentication processes. The data contained in the root is normally encrypted to prevent other people making changes to the certificate. When you connect to a service or resource which requires this certificate, it uses the data to verify the certificate is authentic and is a correct match.
You Need a Certificate Authority to Create a Root Certificate
When you digitally sign a document using your digital signature, you are encrypting the document before sending it off. However, the receiving person has no idea whether they can trust the document without authenticating it. The best way for them to perform the authentication is to obtain a PKI certificate issued by a third party source, which is trusted. This outside party also would have issued your digital signature. By using an outside trusted source, others are able to authenticate your signature and trust the documents really came from you and not someone else.