How to Get 2X Digi-SSL™ Certificates

How to get 2X Digi-SSL™ certificates

There are three very simple steps to getting your 2X Digi-SSL™ certificates and these are as follows:

1.Generate the Certificate Signing Request [CSR] on the 2X IIS Server.

2. Login in to your 2X Digi-SSL™ Service system and paste the CSR into the field on this form, then select 'Microsoft IIS5.x and later' and choose either 1, 2 or 3 year(s) before using the 'Process the Request' button.

3. After a few minutes, the new Digi-SSL™ certificate will be emailed to you, ready for installation on the 2X IIS server

Activate your dedicated 2X Digi-SSL™ Service certificate management system now