Digi-Sign announces the formal agreement with NDC Peru, for the provision of a complete Digi-CA™ Certificate Authority [CA] Public Key Infrastructure [PKI] system for .
NDC was formed from the management buy-out of NEC Peru and specialises in delivering high quality network and IT infrastructure projects for government. Based in Lima, NDC has had many successful projects at a national level.
As a member of the ARP Network, it was planned that NDC would build the infrastructure for national PKI system and supervise the installation of the Digi-CA™ system on this network. Unfortunately, with changes in government and within RENIEC, this project was suspended indefinetly. We await further information on whether the governemnt is willing to progress this project to completion.
Digi-CA™ was originally selected by RENIEC after an extensive public tender process. It was to be rolled out across the entire country but as with many government projects of this nature, completion is often deferred.