It was announced today that Synercom has joined the Digi-Sign Affiliates, Resellers & Partners [ARP] Network. Synercom is one of a select group of emerging and fast growing Information Management companies with a specialised portfolio of services, technologies and third party alliances needed to deliver the benefits of information management.
Synercom work with businesses and government agencies to provide solutions that deliver the benefits of information Management to meet identified and specific needs in their organisations. They take an objective 'best of class' approach to building and integrating solutions, using the highest quality systems, software and networks that best meets their clients' needs - some of these technologies comes from us or from their strategic alliances with leading providers from around the world.
The nature of this agreement is that Synercom will use Digi-CA™ Public Key Infrastructure [PKI] Certificate Authority [CA] system for customers in the region.
Synercom and Digi-Sign will work together to deliver the most modern and up to date PKI, CA system systems available in the market today.