
Approved USB Tokens

A Digi-Token™ is any cryptographic USB token that has been tested and approved to work with Digi-CA™. And because most modern computers have a USB port, USB tokens are probably the most convenient hardware for storing a user's digital certificate/signature.

The only real limitation of using Digi-Tokens™ is that there are few, if any, sophisticated token management systems in the market. So if you are considering issuing tens of thousands of certificates/signatures, you may wish to consider either Digi-Card™ or the Digi-ID™ roaming solution.

Benefits of Digi-Token™
Using Digi-Tokens™

The Digi-Token™ has many uses and here are a few examples:

Choosing your Digi-Token™

Digi-Tokens™ can be supplied in three ways:

Digi-Token™ Delivery Options

The two main Digi-Token™ delivery options are as follows:

Technical Overview

There are two types of USB devices on which private keys and public key certificates can be stored, a USB cryptographic device and a USB flash memory device. Each device can support a different key and digital certificate storage formats.

The most secure method is to store the private key and public key certificates on a USB cryptographic device (also commonly referred to as a security token, hardware token or a cryptographic token). A Digi-Token™ is a cryptographic token.

The other method of storing private keys and digital certificates is to use a software implementation of the PKCS#12 standard that introduces the Personal Information Exchange Syntax in a form of password protected data file. PKCS#12 file is like any other software file and can be stored on a standard USB flash memory device.

Further Security Enhancement with OTP

In addition to a cryptographic token, some environment also use a One Time Password [OTP]. The OTP can be provided by Cell-OTP™ or it can be a Digi-Token™ with an OTP panel that communicates with a Radius authentication server.

If your organisation already has a Radius or other authentication server, then the Digi-Token™ OTP is what you require. Alternatively you should order Digi-Token™ ASAS where the cost of the authentication server is included in the price.

Choose your Digi-Token™ >>