You Can Sign Documents Using Your Own E Signature

When you need to approve different types of documents, such as work orders, invoices, and purchase requisitions, you have two basic options available. You can manually sign each paper form using your signature. This is the traditional method for signing off on documents. However, this method can take time and delays are possible, especially when you are out of the office. Another method available is using your own e signature and electronically signing the documents.

You Can Prevent E Signature Forgery by Using a Digital Certificate

Trusting the signature on documents is a concern all organizations can face. Manually signed documents can be forged unless you have some sort of stamp or seal, which is also affixed to the document. Using an e signature presents its own concerns as it is possible to forge an electronic signature, unless you use some sort of authentication method, like a digital certificate. The digital certificate is the electronic equivalent of a stamp or seal.