An Electronic Signature Is Just Like a Signature on a Paper Document

An electronic signature is a form of authentication used on important electronic documents. The easiest way to compare an e-signature is to compare it to a paper document. On a paper document, you will find the signature of the issuer. You can also find signatures of witnesses or a notary public. These secondary signatures tell you that the identity of the person signing the document has been verified and the document is authentic.

You Need to Encrypt an Electronic Signature to make it Authentic

When you apply your electronic signature to an electronic document, you will need to use some type of encryption. The encryption acts just like the witness or notary public signatures on a paper document. Users, who receive the digitally signed document, will know it is authentic and has not been tampered with or is a fake. However, users will need to have the second part of the encryption method used in order to be able to verify authentication and open the document.