Operations Performed By a Root Certificate Are Not Displayed on Screen

There are different processes which, in the background, users will not see on their computer screen. For example, authentication procedures are not displayed when a computer is talking to a server to gain access. The actual data being transmitted and operations performed, like in a root certificate, are never display. Instead, the hard drive light might come on or an hour glass will show up on the display while the process runs.

The Processes a Root Certificate Performs Is Related to the Type of Digital Certificate

You might be confused by all the different types of certificates used in computer environments. The best way to prevent being confused is to remember that all certificates, regardless of their purpose or function, are digital certificates. Each type of digital certificate can carry out specific processes, like attaching an encrypted electronic signature to a document. Encryption processes, in this example, are carried out by the root certificate, which is a specific location inside the digital certificate.