Within your organization there are certain areas where you may desire increased security to protect specific types of data. With the use of two factor authentication you can improve and increase security through the use of a RSA token. Rather than storing the digital certificates locally on the user’s computer they are stored on a portable device the user should always have in their possession. Anytime they require access to a resource that uses two factor authentications they simply provide the right certificate from off of their portable device.
Using a RSA Token Allows Organizations to Share Computers between Employees
Organizations which use a RSA token can allow their employees to share workstations and computers. Since access is determined by the information contained within their token, each user is restricted to only the resources granted by the token. When users need to log onto a computer they insert their USB device or scan their smartcard through a reader. Once the data is read by the computer and authenticated against your server, access to their resources will be provided.