An Electronic Signature May Not Always Function as a Digital or Qualified Signature

Using an electronic signature does not mean that it also functions as a digital signature or a qualified signature. A digital signature and qualified signature are two unique variations of a generic e-signature. Both of these kinds of signatures require the signature to be embedded and created in a digital certificate for security reasons. When they are created in this manner, the signatures can be used to safely and securely sign and authenticate a variety of data types.

Organizations Need to Be Careful When Using an Electronic Signature

A generic electronic signature is a digital signature applied to electronic data types that do not require security. Anyone can alter, change, modify or attach the signature whether they are the actual user or another user. Organizations need to be careful about which applications they use generic e-signatures with in order to avoid pitfalls with security and unauthorized usage. One method frequently used to secure sensitive and proprietary data types is using a digital or qualified signature in place of the generic e-signature.