1. Select the Install Certificate link on the left side of the page.
2. Select the Security Tab.
3. On the left frame, choose the Install Certificate link.
Select Trusted Certificate Authority CA, enter the password and copy the text from the
UTN-USERFirst-Hardware to the Message Text box (including the BEGIN and END lines), then click 'OK'.
Accept the certificate.
NOTE:: Do not shutdown or restart the server until all steps have been completed.
Repeat the steps from above using the text from the Digi-Sign CA Digi-SSL Xs™ or
Digi-Sign CA Digi-SSL Xp™and choosing the 'Certificate Chain' option.
4. Fill out the form to install your certificate:
5. Choose Message text (with headers) and paste the text you copied from your certificate file: your_domain.cer
6. Click the OK button at the bottom of the page.
7. If everything looks correct, click the Add Server Certificate button.
1. Click the Preferences tab near the top of the page.
2. Select the Edit Listen Sockets link on the left frame.
a. Alter the following fields:
b. Click the OK button to apply these changes.
In the security field of the Edit Listen Sockets page, there should now be an Attributes link.
3. Click the Attributes link.
4. Enter the user@realm-name password to authenticate to the user@realm-name on the system.
5. Select SSL settings from the pop-up window.
6. Select the certificate for the user@realm-name followed by: Server-Cert (or the name you chose if it is different).
7. When you have chosen a certificate and confirmed all the security settings, click the OK button.
8. Click the Apply link in the far upper right corner to apply these changes before you start your server.
9. Click the Load Configuration Files link to apply the changes.
If you click the Apply Changes button when the server is off, a pop-up window prompts you for a password. This window is not resizable, and you might have problem submitting the change.
There are two workarounds for the problem noted above:
10. Provide the requested passwords in the dialog boxes to start the server.
11. At the Module user@realm-name prompt, enter the password you set when you created user in the realm-name using secadm.
12. Verify the new SSL-enabled web server at the following URL:
Note that the default server_port is 443.