- PKI Certificate Authority [CA] System
Digi-CA™ is the complete system for organisations that would like to have their own Certificate Authority [CA]. Scalable from the smallest of environments to the largest, no other CA system is as flexible, user-friendly or as easy to customise or manage.
Digi-CA™ issues many different digital certificates and digital signatures. These can be used in smart cards, ID cards or National ID card systems. And they can also be used for Machine Readable Travel Documents [MRTD], or in USB token based infrastructures.
Digi-CA™ RAMC Administrator |
End User Application Process |
![View this Digi-CA™ Registration Authority Management Console [RAMC] Administrator video TEXT](/files/images/digi-ca-ramc.png) |
![View this Digi-CA™ End-Entity Registration Service [EERS] video TEXT](/files/images/digi-ca-eers.png) |
Watch Video. Duration 1:51 Minutes |
Watch Video. Duration 1:31 Minutes |
Digi-CA™ also offers excellent, and easy to implement, security solutions for SaaS and 'Cloud Computing'. It is also an ideal 'add-on' for organisations wishing to join the ARP Network.
- Choosing a CA System
Digi-CA™ is suitable for any size organisation and with its unique flexibility it can be adapted to any requirement or environment. Before choosing your CA system, you should understand the difference between Traditional CAs and the distinct benefits of choosing Digi-CA™.
Traditional CA systems are delivered in two ways:
However, the design and flexibility in Digi-CA™ makes it possible to have a third, very useful, option:
A single install of the Digi-CA™ Server Software CA system can serve a few hundred users and can be scaled (with minimal, if any, service interruption) to a large deployment serving millions of users. This flexibility also enables the migration of a traditional CA to Digi-CA™ with minimal service interruptions. This unrivalled scalability, and the ability to migrate from older CA systems, makes Digi-CA™ a 'sound investment' for your organisation.
- Using Digital Certificates
Digi-CA™ is the core application at the centre of your Public Key Infrastructure [PKI] and can be used to issue digital certificates/signatures for the following uses:
Using Digi-CA™ Service all of these certificates can be completely outsourced and managed under Total Trust Management™ [TTM™]
- In Industry
Digi-CA™ Service provides two factor authentication certificates for any sized organisation. It can also be used to digitally sign documents and forms as part of a workflow or other process. And also offers secure email and email encryption.
- In Government
Large enterprises, governments, public authorities and large public service organisations will sometimes insist on ownership of the complete CA infrastructure and seek to have it certified. And Digi-CA™ Server is the ideal choice for this type of environment.
Choose your Digi-CA™ >>
As the business world today becomes increasingly reliant on digital solutions for all aspects of day to day operations it is even more important that these businesses have the right systems in place to properly compete in all markets. With almost every line of business and industry the marketplace has developed into a worldwide model which poses a number of challenges. The companies that adapt and come up with the best solutions in a timely manner are the ones that will succeed. No matter the size of your operation, it is necessary to have a custom tailored solution when it comes to information technology and digital product management. If your business is searching for a PKI certificate authority system you will want to choose wisely and take all related factors into consideration. The solution that you choose will depend upon factors such as number of certificates to be issued, number of users accessing the system, and how they will be used. If you are looking for a company that will provide you with a full range of PKI certificate authority options you have come to the right place. At this website, you will find a wide variety of available services which range from fully managed certificate authority solutions to shared certificate authority options.
No matter what size of operation you have, the scale of the PKI certificate authority system will have to be appropriately matched to your business needs. Whether you choose a managed certificate authority service or a software certificate authority service from Digi-Sign will depend upon the knowledge and ability of your staff members. If you have a capable staff of knowledgeable individuals who you have confidence in, you may choose to handle some of the operations on your own. If your organization is lacking in this area or you feel it would be more beneficial, you can choose to have a certificate authority service which is completely managed by Digi-Sign. They will work with you to provide the solution that you are looking for and they will never try to sell you on a service that just isn't appropriate for your company.
With a fully managed PKI certificate authority service provided by Digi-Sign the employees of your company will only be tasked with rarely administrating functions of the CAMC (Certificate Authority Management Console). This would only be on a few occasional instances for situations such as managing user accounts or other miscellaneous tasks. With the Digi-Sign service you can design the type of system you need to have in place and they will implement as well as manage this for you. They also use a pricing model which is very straightforward and results in affordable rates which are very competitive in the industry. This pricing model can be setup on either a per certificate, per user, or annual basis, so you know ahead of time exactly what you will be paying for this service. No matter what type of PKI certificate authority service you choose, with Digi-Sign you can rest assured that you will be getting a high quality service provided by an industry leading company.