The kinds of information contained in a digital certificate depend upon how it will be used. For example, if you intend on using the certificate to electronically sign various documents, files and data types, then it would need to include a digital signature. When the signature is embedded within the certificate, it creates a safe and secure method to complete a variety of business processes and transactions requiring signatures.
Employees Can Be Issued More Than a Single Digital Certificate
Instead of having to get purchase requisitions signed by various people, you can automate approval processes electronically. The request for signature could be sent through email with the attached file or document. Once it is signed, you might configure your system set up to route it to the next person on the approval list. Since each signer is using a digital signatur, the data is encrypted and kept safe. You are also able to verify authenticity of the signed document once it is returned.
Reduce Business Expenses and Become Environmentally Friendly with a Digital Signatur
A digital signature can sometimes be referred to as a qualified signature whenever it is used outside of the United States. Business which operate in the European Union are able to use an EU qualified signature to sign documents, files and other data types for legally binding transactions. Using this method is in accordance with Article 11 of Directive 1999/93/EC.
Creating an electronic signature is accomplished using various methods and techniques. Signatures that are part of a template, like a word processing document or email, are not always secure. Signatures which are made using a certificate authority system and embedded into a digital certificate are secure. These kinds of signatures can be used to safely sign a variety of data types. They also replace processes requiring authentication, like with witnesses, because people who receive signed documents are able to perform authentication processes on the electronic document.
In order to create digital certificates for your business organization you will need a certificate authority system. This type of system generates certificates based upon the information you enter during the creation processes. For example, if you want to create a digital signature, you will need to include information which is user specific in order to have a signature embedded into the certificate.
Your Certificate Authority System Often Creates Two Certificates for Each Request
There are different types of working environments where two factor authentication (2FA) is preferred over other authentication methods. For example, an organization that operates multiple shifts and allows its users to share workstation and computers requires controlling and limiting access. An easy way to accomplish this task is to have each of your users log into their authorized resources by issuing digital certificates on portable devices for two factor authentication.
Digital Certificates Can Be Issued for Using 2FA within Your Organization
Using digital signatures relies on using PKI in order to perform authentication processes. Using public key infrastructure requires providing your employees with a set of digital certificates. One certificate contains their digital signature along with a private key. The other certificate contains similar information but in place of the private key there is a public key. The public key is needed in order to decrypt and authenticate signed data sent to other people. This certificate is meant to be shared with those that receive digitally signed data.
An X509 certificate is created following a specific structure. At the beginning of the certificate data is the version number, followed by the serial number. Other common information includes the issuer, the dates the certificate is valid for, and the public or private key data. In the event the certificate is being used with a digital signature it will also be embedded within the structure in proper location. There is even optional information locations that companies may decide to include.
Use Extensions with X509 Certificates to Be Able to Tell Them Apart
There are certain standards which are used anytime you create digital certificates. The current standards are called the X509 certificate standards and are designed to allow cross-functionality and compatibility for your certificates. By following the standards you are able to share certificates both internally with your employees as well as externally with other clients and customers.
Finding Data and Information in Digital Certificates Using X509 Certificate Standards
Single sign on authentication is one method organizations may use to allow access to specific resources. Using this type of authentication requires your employees to only enter their user name and password a single time. After the initial entry, their log on data is stored locally on their computer. Whenever they connect to another resource requiring authentication, their computer automatically performs the process in the background without prompting them to reenter the log on data again.
You Can Supplement Single Sign on Methods to Increase Security