Two factor authentication (2FA) is a type of authentication method which requires users provide two different kinds of information. First, they must supply something they own or possess like a digital certificate. Secondly, this is combined with something that they know and is their user name and password. Using this form of authentication not only helps to strengthen user access but also aids in increasing security.
There Are Variations to How 2FA Solutions Can Be Implemented
Finding the right PKI system suitable for you organization is important. There are various options available to fit with your business needs and requirements. You should look for a system which not only provides flexibility but also has the ability to adapt to just about any type of environment. Options include using a managed system, install software system or as a dedicated hosted system.
The PKI System Used Is Frequently Influenced by the Size of the Operation
An X509 certificate is the most common type of digital certificate used today. X509 is an established standard used by numerous organizations and businesses that distribute and use digital certificates. By using this standard it makes it easier to use certificates for multiple applications. Certain certificates are also able to be shared with other people and businesses.
Create Your Own Digital Certificates Using the X509 Certificate Standards
You are able to create X509 certificates using a managed certificate authority (CA) service. This type of service is frequently one of the most cost effective systems you can use for your business. You are able to create digital certificates and digital signatures for use within your organization. The benefits of using a CA service include no system administration, transparent pricing and easy customization.
Businesses Create X509 Certificates for a Variety of Uses
Simplifying log in procedures can help make it easier for your employees to remember their user names and passwords. However, you need to be careful when using single sign on authentication. You want to make sure security is maintained for computers connected to your network, whether they are used internally or externally. There are several types of solutions available designed to work with this authentication method and keep you vital data safe and secure.
Consider Other Solutions besides Single Sign on Authentication for Sensitive Data
Organizations may have the misconception that it is not cost effective or affordable to obtain their own certificate authority (CA) system for generating digital certificates. However this is not entirely accurate as there are several solutions available to fit with the needs and requirements of businesses of all sizes. For instance, a small business is able to use a managed CA service which offers one of the most cost effective solutions they can own.
A Certificate Authority System Creates Digital Certificates Based Upon the Input Supplied
A digital signatur is a specific section created within a digital certificate. This kind of electronic signature is used to sign electronic documents, files, forms and other data types. Unlike an electronic signature, anyone who signs their data using a digital certificate containing their signature is able to encrypt and protect the file. Recipients also have to have a digital signature to open and decrypt the file. Because of this requirement, recipients are able to authenticate the document or file as being valid.
Some organizations choose to embed a digital signature onto a USB token or smart card for security reasons. Often this type of setup is found in companies which have employees sharing computers and workstations. When computers are shared it could create a situation that allows someone else to have access to their files, email and other corporate resources. However, by using a USB token or smart card, users must provide the necessary certificates in order to authenticate and access data and resources.
How a Digital Certificate Is Accessed When It Is Placed on a USB Token or Smart Card
You have the ability to use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate with your single sign on authentication processes. You can ensure each of your users is properly authenticated against web servers, email servers, database servers and LDAP directory servers. Each certificate you create contains the necessary information to perform the authentication processes without prompting the user to reenter their user name and password multiple times.
SSL Options Are Available for Operations Conducted over the Internet When Using Single Sign on Authentication
Using an electronic signature does not mean that it also functions as a digital signature or a qualified signature. A digital signature and qualified signature are two unique variations of a generic e-signature. Both of these kinds of signatures require the signature to be embedded and created in a digital certificate for security reasons. When they are created in this manner, the signatures can be used to safely and securely sign and authenticate a variety of data types.
Organizations Need to Be Careful When Using an Electronic Signature