Total Trust Management™ [TTM™] is a unique offering from Digi-Sign (although some try to copy it) and it means that you Trust us to Totally Manage the Digi-CA™ for you. TTM™ is much more than a dedicated telephone number for support; it’s a service where Digi-Sign personnel effectively work for you.
We ensure that the Digi-CA™ is introduced to your end users with the minimum of fuss. All you do is agree how you want us to operate the system and we do everything for you. It’s a bit like travelling ‘First Class’.
75% of Digi-CA™ owners use TTM™ in the first year, at least, so that they can see how we do everything and then learn by watching us. We assume the RA responsibility and solve any technical and Help Desk support issues from the end users.
Training an RA Administrator how to use the Digi-CA™, explaining the principles and importance of the CP and providing sufficient Administrator knowledge to undertake their work in a professional manner, can take time. Manuals, technical documentation, on site training and subsequent second and third level external support can assist the Administrator, but too often, the organisation does not have these vital, and necessary, resources available.
As with all new technology implementations in any organisation, the initial deployment and piloting of a project is critical to its success. Many CA installations have failed because this important principle was either misunderstood or miscalculated.
To solve all of these issues, in 2001 Digi-Sign pioneered the TTM™ service so that CA deployment is a simple execution. Since then, other organisations have attempted to 'copy' the TTM™ offering with varying degrees of success. However, to completely understand why TTM™ is so unique, an understanding of the technology used in Digi-CA™ is required.
Incredibly, most CAs available in the market today still use Legacy CA technology. The technology that was used to design what is at the very heart of these CAs is 1990's technology. The best way to illustrate the affect this has for Legacy CA users is to draw a comparison between Legacy CAs and the Desktop PC. Consider the difference between Windows® 3.1 with today’s versions of Windows® and the differences are obvious. The same is true of Legacy CAs.
Digi-CA™ uses the latest in CA technology and this enables Digi-Sign to offer the most comprehensive TTM™ service. The organisation that owns the Digi-CA™ is provided with read-only access to the system so that they can see the TTM™ service in 'real time' and learn from the actions carried out by the Digi-CA TTM™ Administrators.
Over time, the initial deployment and pilot projects are completed and full scale implementation is well advanced. In many cases, the organisation only uses the TTM™ service for the first year and by this time, digital certificates are already part of the organisation's total IT infrastructure.
With TTM™, the total implementation and adoption of certificates within the organisation can sometimes happen almost without anyone noticing. Some owners have even extended the TTM™ service to include the Total Trust Management of their Digi-SSL™ requirements too.