The Digi-CA™ Administrators Master Console is the central core of the entire CA system. From this Administrators Master Console the Administration of the CA is implemented and managed. The Administrators Master Console creates the Root CA, CA, Intermediate and Subordinate or Sub-CAs, the RAs and the Control Centres or LRAs.
The Digi-CA™ system model is a hierarchical trust model, in which, each entity implicitly trusts the entity above it. This model imposes the delegation of trust downwards from Root CAs to its Subordinate CAs. As a result, inherent in the design of the Digi-CA™ is the fact that the levels of trust increase as you go upwards to the higher authority. By its very design, this type of system architecture facilitates easy deployment of a large scale PKI. The Administrators Master Console, its function and detailed instructions on how to use it are further described in Section 5 of this on line manual.
Read the on line Training Manual for the CA AMC.
The Digi-CA™ RA Management Console is the primary management interface for a specific CA or Sub-CA. The RA Management Console provides an interface to access and manage RAs and LRAs, that are created through the CA Administration Management Console. Each RA or LRA can interface multiple CAs to allow the issuance of different types of digital Certificates through different CAs from a single central and easily manageable location. The remainder of the functions of the RA Management Console its function and detailed instructions on how to use it are further described in Section 6 of this on line manual.
Read the on line Training Manual for the RA MC.
The Digi-CA™ Control Centre is more commonly known in the PKI industry as an LRA and is the RA Operator interface for accessing the RA with limited features provided. For the remainder of this document and to avoid confusion, the LRA is referred too as the Control Centre. The Control Centre is a ‘stripped down’ version of the RA Console. The Control Centre is used to manage individual Certificate life cycle functions such as issuing, revoking, suspending and renewing Certificates. The remainder of the functions of the Control Centre, its function and detailed instructions on how to use it are further described in Section 5 of this on line manual.
Read the on line Training Manual for the LRA Control Centre.
Depending on the configuration, policy and distribution of your Digi-CA™, some service may be publicly available. These public services are typically to enable basic end user requirements for Digital Certificates and the following sub sections describe the four main functions:
Read the on line Training Manual for the RA RS.