Cryptographic Service

Digi-CA™ the complete Certificate Authority [CA] system

The Cryptographic Service Provider [CSP] Service Module is a software application that ultimately provides the most of cryptographic operations to the system and is effectively responsible for generating all public key certificates. Due to the high severity for the security of this module, it is not accessible through any network communications protocol. This design imposes an asynchronous certificate generation and distribution model.

CA Management Console [CAMC]

The CA Management Console [CAMC] Service Module is the central graphical user interface [GUI] for managing Certification Authorities, Registration Authorities, Service Modules and other services provided within the Digi-CA™ system infrastructure.

The following table presents a general overview on the functionalities provided by CAMC.

CAMC functionality overview
Management of CA accounts   Management of internal Master CA key pair
CA Key Pair management   Management of Digi-CA™ system user accounts
CA Certification and Cross-Certification management   Management of End Entity certificate policies
Service Module Registration and Management   Management of Time-Stamping Authorities
Digi-CA™ main configuration   Management of OCSP Validation Authorities
Registration and management of X.509 certificate profiles   Digi-CA™ system status overview
End Entity Certificate reporting   CSP cryptographic request queue reporting
Management of RA accounts   Activity Dual Control authorization
RA Management Console [RAMC]

The RA Management Console [RAMC] Service Module is the central graphical user interface [GUI] for operating Registration Authorities and managing End Entity Certificates.

The following table presents a general overview on the functionalities provided by RAMC.

RAMC functionality overview
End Entity account management   Management of RA user accounts
End Entity key pair life cycle management   Management of End Entity certificate policies
End Entity certificate request registration   End Entity Validation
End Entity certificate authorization   Activity Dual Control authorization
End Entity certificate revocation   End Entity certificate reporting
End Entity certificate suspension   End Entity certificate de-suspension
End Entity certificate replacement
  Management of TSA clients