Digi-ID™ Xe Qualified Digital Signature

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Digital Signature Compliance Within the Euro Zone

Digi-ID™ Xe digital signatures provide all the same functionality as the standard Digi-ID™, except that the Digi-ID™ Xe is an EU qualified digital signature. This means that it meets all of the EU regulations for using legally binding digital signatures within the Euro Zone.

Getting Your Digi-ID™ e Signature


Using Digi-ID™ w/ Digi-Seal™ Desktop


Watch Video. Duration 1:59 Minutes


Watch Video. Duration 4:18 Minutes

Digi-ID™ Xe are used by EU citizens, governments and organisations that want to streamline paper based processes, submit bids for EU contracts, or to issue EU qualified e-invoices, bills & statements. Each Digi-ID™ Xe is issued and managed by the Digi-CA™ Certificate Authority [CA] Service.

Benefits of Digi-ID™ Xe
Using Digi-IDs™ Xe

Digi-ID™ Xe qualified digital signatures can be used to sign:

Choosing your Digi-ID™

For individual users, the Digi-ID™ Xe are supplied on a Secure Signature Creation Device [SSCD], such as a Digi-Token™ or Digi-Card™. The Digi-ID™ Xe Server, for use by an organisation, is also supplied on an SSCD and this can be either a Digi-Card™ or HSM.

The Digi-CAST1™ consulting team can advise you on what type of Digi-ID™ Xe qualified digital signatures you require:

Digi-ID™ Setup & Activation

Getting Digi-ID™ Xe qualified digital signatures is not straightforward. Although there are the same three steps in issuing a Digi-ID™ Xe as there are in a standard Digi-ID™ Xp, for each qualified digital signature, you are required to complete and sign a paper document. This document is then sent to the Digi-CAST2 production team that will then individually issue each signature (i.e. this cannot be controlled, or issued by personnel in your organisation).

Unless your requirement stipulates you must use EU qualified digital signatures, it may be prudent and much easier to use Digi-ID™ Xp digital signatures instead.

Choose your Digi-ID™ Xe >>