Install SSL

How to install an SSL Certificate

Step by step Instructions

Step 1: Copy your SSL Certificate to file

    You will receive an email from us with your SSL certificate in the email. Copy & paste your SSL Certificate (including the -----BEGIN NETSCAPE CERTIFICATE CHAIN----- and -----END NETSCAPE CERTIFICATE CHAIN----- headers) into a raw text editor such as BBEdit or Notepad, ensuring that no extra line spaces or extra characters are inserted into the data. Choose to save the file as yourdomainname.txt.

Step 2: Install your SSL Certificate

When your certificate is issued you will receive 4 certificates:

Digi-SignCADigi-SSLXp.crt or Digi-SignCADigi-SSLXs.crt

When you receive your certificates you need to store them in the mydomain directory.

NOTE: If you obtain a private key file from a source other than the Certificate Request Generator servlet, verify that the private key file is in PKCS#5/PKCS#8 PEM format.

To use a certificate chain, append the additional PEM-encoded digital certificates to the digital certificate that issued for the WebLogic Server (the intermediate CA certificate). The last digital certificate in the file chain will be the Root certificate that is self-signed. (example below:)

Accessing the Domain SSL Certificates Repository

Step by Step Instruction

    1. Login to the Plesk 7 Control Panel.
    2. From the left hand menu, select 'Domains'.
    3. Click on the domain name that the certificate is for.
    4. Click on the 'Certificates' menu item.
    5. There is a button in the middle of the page labelled 'Browse'. Click 'Browse' and navigate to the location of the saved site certificate you received. Selecting it, then select 'Send File', this will upload and install the certificate against the corresponding Private Key.

Uploading certificate parts

If you have already obtained a certificate containing private key and certificate part (and may be CA certificate), follow these steps to upload it:

    1. At the certificate repository page, click on the ADD button. You will be taken to the SSL certificate creation page.

    2. In the Upload certificate files section of the page, use the Browse button to locate the appropriate certificate file or a required certificate part.

    3. Click SEND FILE. This will upload your certificate parts to the repository.

Step by Step Instructions

Important: Installation is a two-step process - ensure you follow both steps listed below.

Step by Step Instructions

Important: Installation is a two-step process - ensure you follow both steps listed below:

Step by step instructions

When you receive your Digi-SSL™ certificate back from Digi-Sign, it will be encrypted with your public key so that only you can decrypt it. Only by entering the correct password for your trust database, can you decrypt and install your certificate.

There are three types of certificates: