Install SSL

How to install an SSL Certificate

NOTE: You must install both the bundle CA certificate and your server certificate to provide secure access to your Web server.

Get bundle CA file

On start-up, Stronghold loads CA certificates from the file specified by the SSLCACertificateFile entry in its 'httpd.conf' file.

Installing the site certificate

Go to the Server Management screen.
Click the green icon (Wrench for RaQ4, Pencil for XTR) next to the SSL enabled virtual site
Click SSL Settings on the left side.
Copy the entire contents of the site certificate that you received, including


Paste the new certificate information that you copied into the "Certificate" window.
Select Use manually entered certificate from the pull-down menu at the bottom.
Click Save Changes.

Step by Step Instructions

Step-by-Step Instructions

How to install your Digi-SSL™ certificate on the server